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Only 30-60% of a company’s value is reflected in the financial performance numbers disclosed in annual reports, according to Professor Eccles of Harvard Business School and Price Waterhouse Coopers. To make matters worse, there is no consistent framework or analytical standard that allows global investors to understand and compare non-financial performance. Over time, this has lead to poor investment decisions that have repeatedly resulted in financial crises because 40-70% of information vital to making sound decisions is missing. The last financial crisis in 2008, resulted in a major trust meltdown of the financial system as a whole, due in large part to poor governance and a lack of comprehensive standards.
SDG Commitment report
193 heads of state signed the SDGs on behalf of all stakeholders in September 2015. The UNGSII Foundation creates unique transparency on the progress of both countries and companies. UNGSII helps financial markets realize that sustainability practices in business generate significant value by providing SDG-based analysis, information and investment options. Introducing the UNGSII SCR500 Report.
Leading rating agencies like OEKOM have proven that investing in companies with track records in sustainable behavior (ESG) creates added value. The UNGSII SCR500 is a curated analysis of the world's top 500 companies that analyzes and ranks their commitments to the SDGs. Companies receive a Green (Best), Yellow (on the right track) or Red (need improvement) ranking based on their annual reports,
By providing transparency on corporate ESG performance, investors can make better informed decisions about the financial and social impact of their investments.

The weekly newsletter supporting SDG 3
As the world is challenged these months by Covid19 UNGSII and WHIS were asked to provide a weekly newsletter for our partners within the 25+5 SDG Cities as well as within the governments, parliaments and the faith communities.
Select date to download newsletter
Learning from COVID-19 Your Feedback
Global Youth Poll
The September 2015 agreement on Sustainable Development Goals requires all states to implement the 17 SDGs by 2030. By then, the next generation will be starting to take over from today’s leaders – but no one yet knows how the next generation is thinking about these “global goals.”
The Global Youth Poll, providing reliable data updated quarterly. In the time of the largest migration since World War II, it makes sense to understand what the next generation thinks about the quality of their lives in their countries, how satisfied they are with their education, their job prospects and the ability of their region to deal with environmental challenges.
The survey will gauge how satisfied they are already with the implementation of the SDGs and where they see room for improvement. In order to make sure that the opinion of the next generation is taken serious, UN, IPU and UIN offer that representatives of the youth will have the opportunity to present the results together with the national experts from academia on both national and international platforms. Media Partnerships will make sure, that the world is permanently informed about the results.
CSR Index 2018
Trust is vital for society and for the global economy to function successfully and efficiently given the fast pace of change in the world today. The economic crisis that began in 2008 continues to challenge us today in part due to (a) the diminished sense of trust between businesses and their stakeholders, and (b) the lack of trust in the data on which businesses report performance and make decisions.
The performance of companies in the area of sustainable development is currently evaluated using the data provided on their website, in their Annual Report, and in their Sustainability / CSR Report. Rating agencies rework and interpret the elements provided using criteria and methodologies they have developed in-house to rank companies’ results. It is widely recognized that the approach adopted by rating agencies presents a number of significant shortcomings.
The book aims to illustrate the role and functionalities of a robust Global Sustainability Index (GSI) that overcomes these limitations and allows companies to be ranked in a transparent and pertinent manner.