The idea of the United Global SDG Index Institute (UNGSII) supportig the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) springs from the belief shared by United Nations officials, senior business leaders and NGOs that a transparent, academically driven index is needed to rank companies and countries on their sustainability practices. Fragmentation and inconsistent regulation and legislation regarding sustainability reporting requirements is an obstacle to recognizing and rewarding those who are striving to create value through sustainable means, effectively hindering growth in financial markets for sustainable investments. This new Index concept had been discussed at the UN in Geneva several times by experts in a variety of fields, including science, business and Government. The first UNGSII Sustainable Development Goals Commitment Report on 300 of the world's largest companies was launched at the UN in New York on April 19, 2017.
UNGSII's Sustainable Development Goals Commitment Report (SCR) overcomes the limitations of current evaluation systems, such as inadequate transparency on evaluation criteria and methodology, inexperienced analysts, backward looking analysis with limited prognosis, and potential conflicts of interest. In this way, the index is delivering a meaningful comparison of companies and increasing awareness of sustainability practices. In the near future, SCR reporting will become a catalyst for new investment made for sustainable reasons.

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The institute is an international, multi-stakeholder, not-for-profit initiative supporting the UN and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. UNGSII aims to provide an evaluation and comparison of companies’ and countries' sustainability performance in a transparent manner. UNGSII's unique SDG-focused research and data approach provides guidance and benchmarking to companies and stakeholders, including investors, to encourage progress, but also to apply pressure to improve sustainability performance. Existing assessment and measurement approaches are used as a starting point to ensure that best practice is fully integrated. Bottom line success will be the driving force of the UNGSII. The criteria for the index will favour those companies who are working not only to limit the environmental and social footprint of their activities but to achieve a net positive impact, in other words, those companies aiming at win-win rather win-lose relationships with their customers, employees and other stakeholders.
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Roland Schatz
Chief Executive Officer, Founder
Matthias Vollbracht
Head of Research
Anis Asghar
Chief Investment Officer
Zuzana Beluska
Chief Financial Officer
advisory board
Alfred R. Berkeley III
Former President of NASDAQ
Chairman, Princeton Capital Management, Inc.
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Joseph Cajigal
CEO, Princeton Capital Management, Inc.
Red Bank, NJ, USA
Markku Markkula
First Vice President, European Committee of Regions
Brussels, Belgium
Preston McIntyre
UNGSII Ambassador to the GCC
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Ajay Davessar
Advisor to UNGSII,
Noida, India
Dr. Christian von Reventlow
former Member of the Boards of
Deutsche Telekom and Telstra
UNGSII SDG 9 Senior Advisor
Munich, Germany
Claudiu Preda
UNGSII East Europe
Brasov, Romania
Prof. Thomas Petschner
Global Health & Innovative Technologies
Co Head SDG Academy
Ibrahim Alnassar
GCC Representative, 1 Trillion Tree Initiative
Amir Dossal
Founder & CEO
Global Partnerships Forum
Board Member of the UNGSII U.S. Foundation
Soud Ba'alawy
UNGSII advisory
Executive Chairman
Enspire (DIFC) Ltd., Dubai, UAE
Prof. Shubro Sen
Director, School of Management and Entrepreneurship,
Shiv Nadar Universiy
New Delhi, India
Prof. Dr. James D. Bindenagel
Former US Ambassador
Head UNGSII Kinshasa Process
Co Head SDG Academy
Bonn, Germany
Prof. Martin Nkafu Nkemnkia
NCDEI Foundation
Africa & Europe
Co Head SDG Academy